New laws enacted this week:
HB2097 - An Act relative to establishing the Eastham community fund in the town of Eastham
HB4071 - An Act directing the City of Boston Police Department to waive the maximum age requirement for admission into the police academy for Luigi D'Addieco
HB4264 - An Act authorizing the city of Cambridge to increase the fines for failure to move parked vehicles during street cleaning in the city above the limits set forth in M.G.L. C. 90, §20A½
HB4214 - An Act providing for the retirement of William R. Cushing Jr., a police officer in the city known as the town of Braintree
HB3931 - An Act authorizing the appointment of retired police officers as special police officers in the town of Freetown
Most read bills of the week:
House Actions This Week: 125
Senate Actions This Week: 260