9:00am Greater Boston Legal Services Client/Staff Lobby Day, Great Hall, State House, Boston
9:00am Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Meeting, DESE, 135 Santilli Highway, Everett and via Vimeo
10:00am Department of Revenue Public Hearing, Via Zoom
10:00am Care, Not Cuts Rally, State House Steps, Boston
10:30am Massachusetts Association of Regional Planning Agencies Advocacy Event, Room 428, State House, Boston
11:00am House Session, Full Formal Session
1:00pm Dignity Alliance Massachusetts Legislative Briefing, Room 222, State House, Boston
3:00pm 250th Anniversary Celebration of the American Revolution, Virtual Hearing
5:30pm WalkMassachusetts 2025 Annual Celebration, Venture Cafe, CIC Cambridge, One Broadway, Cambridge and via livestream