Monday - 1/13
11:00am House Session, Informal Session
11:00am Senate Session, Informal Session
11:00am Correctional Consolidation and Collaboration, Room 428, State House, Boston
11:00am Health Connector Open Enrollment Press Event, Grand Staircase, State House, Boston
1:00pm "Ask the AG" with Attorney General Andrea Campbell on GBH's Boston Public Radio, 89.7 FM or
7:00pm MassDems Congressional District 3 Listening Tour, Via Zoom
Tuesday - 1/14
3:00pm 250th Anniversary Celebration of the American Revolution, Virtual Hearing
Wednesday - 1/15
Birthdays: Rep. Kate Hogan, Rep. Donald Wong
12:00pm Author Talk with Ellen Douglas and Paul Kirshen: Climate Change Impacts and Projections for the Greater Boston Area, State Library, Room 341, State House, Boston
7:00pm Progressive Mass: Beacon Hill 101, Virtual
Lobbyist disclosure reporting deadline
Thursday - 1/16
Birthdays: Rep. Todd Smola, State Senator John Keenan
10:00am House Session, Informal Session
11:00am Senate Session, Informal Session
11:00am Status of Persons with Disabilities, Virtual Hearing
6:00pm 'State of the Commonwealth' 2025, House Chamber, State House, Boston
7:00pm MassDems Congressional District 4 Listening Tour, Via Zoom
8:00pm 'State of the Commonwealth' Republican Response by Rep. Marcus Vaughn, MassGOP Headquarters, 85 Merrimac Street, Suite 505, Boston
Friday - 1/17
Birthdays: State Senator Michael Moore
Bill filing deadline