Press Release: 2025-01-28

Tell Governor Healey and her administration, NO CUTS TO CASH ASSISTANCE


We are frustrated to hear that for the second year in a row, Governor Healey and her administration have chosen to eliminate funding for cash assistance for children and families in the Commonwealth. Our children are actively being harmed from living in poverty. Living with limited access to necessary resources has lasting impacts on the mental and physical health of children. With Healey's administration planning to eliminate the 10% increase in April of this year, young children will be forced to continue coping with the struggles of living in Deep Poverty. We must not stand idly by and allow this to happen.


Help us contact Governor Healey's office and urge them to reconsider this proposal. Below, you'll find some helpful resources on ways to do so, as well as optional scripts to help you voice your concerns. Stand with us, and take action immediately. Click hereto send a quick email to stop the cuts.


You can also support the Lift Our Kids coalition, which has been working tirelessly to implement An Act to Lift Kids Out of Deep Poverty (HD.507 / SD.501) for many years. On January 30th at 10:30 am, the coalition will be hosting a Mini Lobby Day at the Massachusetts State House to kick-start their campaign for this legislative session. Find out more details by emailing Brianna.

Take action now!