Press Release: 2024-11-14
Trahan Announces DPCC Re-Election Bid
Washington, November 13, 2024 WASHINGTON, DC – Today, House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) Co-Chair Lori Trahan (MA-03) sent a letter to new and returning House Democrats announcing her intention to seek re-election to her leadership post. Trahan was first elected DPCC Co-Chair in November 2023. In addition to her leadership position, she also serves as a Senior Whip under House Democratic Whip Katherine Clark and as a member of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. A digital copy of Trahan’s letter announcing her candidacy is accessible HERE. Text of the letter sent today is embedded below. ---------------------------------------- Dear Colleague, I am incredibly grateful to you for your dedication and relentless hard work over the past two years, particularly in the lead up to Election Day. While the results have fallen short of the vision we worked tirelessly to achieve, it’s clear that Democratic House candidates defied the political headwinds in battleground districts across the nation. However, there’s no question that we have a lot to learn from this outcome – on policy, on messaging, and above all else, on rebuilding trust with the people we fight for every day. The threat to our constituents from a Republican trifecta led by President-elect Donald Trump is grave, and we must fast track that learning process so we can reposition ourselves to mitigate the damage and be victorious in 2026. I believe I can contribute to that effort, which is why I humbly submit my name for consideration for re-election as Co-Chair of the House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC). As a former college volleyball player, I've experienced my share of stinging losses. It’s in those moments where a team either comes together with determination to learn from a setback, or it risks splintering under pressure. We must seize this opportunity to stare down hard truths, develop new muscles, and commit to the difficult work of emerging stronger. I’m under no illusion that this will be easy – we’re going to have many hard conversations, and we won’t agree on everything. But by learning from this election, improving how we interact with the people we represent, and deploying our message effectively, we can best position ourselves to succeed in the challenging months and years ahead. During my tenure as DPCC Co-Chair these past eleven months, I have sought to bring together the diverse perspectives and experiences of our caucus so we can have the robust discussions necessary to achieve better results. Those will once again be paramount in the coming weeks. As you know, it will also be equally important that members of our leadership team remain laser-focused on ensuring that we have the resources necessary to re-elect our frontline members, identify and support strong Red to Blue candidates, and expand our battlefield. I’m proud to be a Majority Maker, and I look forward to earning that distinction again as we prepare for 2026. As I have always done, I will seek out thoughts and input from every House Democrat to ensure our message reflects the efforts and talents of our caucus. I look forward to discussing my candidacy with you, and I hope to earn your vote. Sincerely, |