Press Release: 2024-10-17

Deaton Debates the Issues, Warren Focuses on Demonizing Republicans


October 15, 2024


Boston, MA– During tonight’s Senate debate, Elizabeth Warren showed once again that she has no real answers for the challenges facing Massachusetts voters. When pressed on the ongoing border crisis, Warren dodged the question entirely, shifting blame onto former President Donald Trump instead of presenting a path forward or coming to account for her vote rejecting a bipartisan border bill.


“John Deaton came ready to debate on policy and issues affecting Massachusetts, while Elizabeth Warren relied on the same tired progressive talking points and attacks on Republicans,” said MassGOP Chair, Amy Carnevale. “She provided no solutions for the border crisis or any new direction for our state and nation.”


Throughout the debate, Warren continued her pattern of partisan politics, choosing to demonize Republicans rather than engage in meaningful policy discussions. Despite serving in Congress for over 12 years, Warren has only successfully passed one piece of legislation—a record that underscores her inability to deliver real results for Massachusetts families.


“Elizabeth Warren is a creature of D.C. partisanship tearing this country apart. She has become the ultimate partisan hack, using scare tactics instead of offering real leadership,” said Carnevale. “There’s a reason she’s avoiding five debates—her one-note performance can’t hold up over time.”


John Deaton represents a refreshing alternative to Warren’s divisive politics. If elected, Deaton will work across the aisle to bring common-sense solutions to Washington.


“Whether you’re a Republican or a moderate independent, Warren made it clear tonight: she sees you as an enemy to demonize, not a voter to represent,” added Carnevale.


With Warren out of step and focused on attacks, Massachusetts voters have an opportunity to elect a new leader. John Deaton is ready to bring fresh ideas and bipartisan solutions to the Senate.