Press Release: 2024-07-03

A First Five Years Fund poll points to widespread bipartisan support for child care


Alyssa Haywoode

July 2, 2024

A new, national poll finds that across the political spectrum, voters care about child care.

The poll was conducted on behalf of the First Five Years Fund, “by the bipartisan research team of New Bridge Strategies (R) and Hart Research (D).”

The poll included registered voters in the “battleground Senate states of Arizona, Maryland, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Nevada.”And the results were recently shared on The 9:30 Call. A slide deck of the poll results are posted here.

Among the poll’s results: “in this election year, voters by overwhelming margins want candidates to have a plan to address child care challenges in the United States.”

Many voters also “make a strong connection between expanding access to quality child care and a strong economy.”

Voters also have ideas about how to address child care challenges, including an increase in federal funding.

To learn more, check out the poll summary and the full slide deck — and please share these resources with your in-person and online networks.