Press Release: 2021-05-13 00:00:00
Senator Markey, Stand Up For Palestine
Senator Markey, Stand Up For Palestine:
We are former staff, fellows, volunteers, donors, supporters, and endorsing organizations of Senator Ed Markey’s 2020 re-election campaign. We made hundreds of thousands of phone calls, raised millions of dollars, and dedicated years of our lives to re-elect Senator Markey because we believed justice was on the ballot in 2020, and we fought for our collective vision of a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, nuclear disarmament, and re-imagining public safety. When Senator Markey won his race on September 1st, he told us that “The age of incrementalism is over...This election is an undeniable mandate for action. And it is the young people who will lead the way.”
As the young people, organizers, and advocates who are responsible for Senator Markey’s victory, we are upset and disappointed by his recent statement on Israel’s illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. He followed in the footsteps of Mitt Romney and Donald Trump by saying it’s a “both sides” issue, which ignores the current and historical power imbalance between Israel and Palestine — and couldn’t be farther from the truth. Senator Markey’s refusal to support justice in Palestine is antithetical to the Green New Deal and the progressive movement that won him re-election.
We ask that Senator Markey:
Demand a serious Congressional investigation of the role of US arms and funding in the violent Israeli repression and displacement of Palestinians in Occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank, along with the long-standing siege and bombing of Gaza;
Demand application of existing US arms export regulations to stop the deployment of US weapons against civilians in Gaza and elsewhere, which constitutes a flagrant violation of human rights standards and an evident war crime contrary to US law;
Compose and promote a Senate initiative similar to the House letter circulated by Reps. Newman and Pocan opposing Israeli displacement of Palestinians from neighborhoods of Jerusalem;
Introduce a Senate version of H.R. 2590 Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act.
Senator Markey told us that young people would lead the way, and now it is time for him to listen to us and stand up for Palestinian lives.
Signed by:
Massachusetts Peace Action
Sunrise Movement
IfNotNow Boston
Jewish Voice for Peace - Boston
Sunrise Cambridge
Sunrise Worcester
Act On Mass
State Representative Erika Uyterhoeven (27th Middlesex District)
Cambridge City Councilor Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler
Calla Walsh (Students for Markey leadership, Campaign Fellow)
Cassidy Bissell (Director of Research and Internal Operations)
Emma Friend (Director of Distributed Campaigning)
Katie Hayden (Deputy Director of Distributed Organizing)
Willie Burnley Jr (Boston Regional Organizing Director)
Anthony Collins (Greater Boston Area Regional Organizing Director in the General Election)
Jenn Meakem (Field Organizer, Youth Vote Coordinator)
Amanda Westlake (Field Organizer)
Lizzie Rutberg (Field Organizer)
Cam Cote (Field Organizer)
Nathaniel Roberts (Field Organizer, South Coast)
Alex Siber (Strategy Lead)
Sean Reardon (Digital Video Staff)
Lauryn Allen (Campaign Photographer)
Kate Froehlich (2013 Field Organizer)
Raquel Breternitz (Design Director)
Jamil Siddiqui (Regional Organizing Director for MA-04)
Julia Donohue (Assistant Fellowship Coordinator, campaign Fellow)
Abhi Agarwal (Campaign Fellow, Markey Map creator)
Sam Eilertsen (Did post-production on the Green New Dealmaker ad)
Cory Bisbee (Field Organizer)
Sam Delgado (Campaign Fellow)
Ahmad Ali (Campaign Fellow)
Alvin Gunnion (Campaign Fellow)
Joshua Rush (Campaign Fellow)
Emerson Toomey (Campaign Fellow)
Prerna Jagadeesh (Campaign Fellow)
Tristan Niedzielski (Campaign Fellow, Students for Markey leadership)
Cherilyn Strader (Campaign Fellow, Students for Markey leadership)
Matthew Joseph O’Connell (Campaign Fellow, Students for Markey)
Shanaz Uddin (Campaign Fellow, Students for Markey)
Tali Natter (Campaign Fellow, Students for Markey)
Lilian McCarthy (Campaign Fellow, Students for Markey)
Alix Cullum (Campaign Fellow, Students for Markey)
Jonathan Waldmann (Campaign Fellow, Students for Markey, Sunrise Boston political team lead)
Kaveesh Pathak (Campaign Fellow)
Caleb Brock (Campaign Fellow)
Mattison Howard (Campaign Fellow)
Orla Levens (Campaign Fellow)
Cate Henning (Campaign Fellow)
Nidhi Inamdar (Campaign Fellow)
Daniel Song (Campaign Fellow)
Ari Silver (Campaign Fellow)
Jonas Poggi (Campaign Fellow)
Chase Taylor (Campaign Fellow)
Deborah Kwon (Campaign Fellow)
Alec Black (Campaign Fellow)
Ronak Sathyanarayana (Campaign Fellow)
Prachi Jhawar (Campaign Fellow)
Dylan Griffith (Campaign Fellow)
Daniel Zackin (Campaign Fellow)
Mary Fulham (Campaign Fellow)
Josie Wagner (Campaign Fellow)
Aaditi Narayanan (Campaign Fellow)
Jacqueline Sands (Campaign Fellow)
Nicholas Scalera (Campaign Fellow)
Aratrika Ghosh (Campaign Fellow)
Hannah Madden (Campaign Fellow)
Ana Kevorkian (Campaign Fellow)
Annie Morgan (Campaign Fellow)
Talia M. Blatt (Campaign Fellow)
Maya Chandrakasan (Campaign Fellow)
Danielle Donovan (Campaign Fellow)
Cynthia Leung (Campaign Fellow)
Keith Chatinover (Campaign Fellow)
Anna Cornish (Campaign Fellow)
Kelly Hui (Campaign Fellow)
Jack Richardson (Campaign Fellow)
Anya Rao (Campaign Fellow)
Sadhana Mandala (Campaign Fellow)
Jennifer Best (Campaign Fellow)
Timothy Scalona (Campaign Fellow)
Olivia Dwyer (Campaign Fellow)
Stephen Kunkel (Campaign Fellow)
Jacob Swenson (Campaign Fellow)
Grace Burke (Campaign Fellow)
Owen Tucker-Smith (Campaign Fellow)
Enio Andoni (Campaign Fellow)
Tyler Sylvester (Campaign Fellow)
Camille Argentar (Campaign Fellow)
Elijah Bacal (Campaign Fellow)
Victoria Beyer (Campaign Fellow)
Nathan Kyn (Campaign Fellow)
Cadee Stefani (Campaign Fellow)
Kristina Major (Campaign Fellow)
Anu Sawhney (Campaign Fellow)
Sally Smith (Campaign Fellow)
Ellen Smith (Campaign Fellow)
Jordan Leigh Zwick (Campaign Fellow)
Kaitlynn Castillo (Students for Markey, College Democrats of Massachusetts)
Edie Shackelford (Students for Markey)
Lillian Gibson (Students for Markey)
Chloe Rafferty (Students for Markey)
Maya Gabay (Students for Markey)
Grace Abe (Students for Markey)
River Epperson (Students for Markey)
Evelyn Rubinchik (Ed’s Reply Guys)
Tyler Giles (Ed’s Reply Guys, volunteer)
João Paulo Ferreira (Intern)
Matt Rice (Senate Office Intern)
Dana Donovan (Senate Office intern, volunteer, constituent)
Jack Stanton (Sandwich Democratic Town Committee)
Nick Cook (Suffolk University Student Leader)
Emma Silva (Member of Cornell Progressives)
Robert Michael Pittsley (Youth Coordinator at Eastie Farm)
Ellen Gaughan (Donor, volunteer)
Stephen Bedell (Donor, volunteer)
Ryan Lucht (Donor, volunteer)
Peyton Brown (Donor, volunteer)
Raheel Chaudhry (Donor, volunteer)
Kelan O'Brien (Donor, volunteer)
Liam Greenwell (Donor, volunteer)
Katie Mazzeo (Donor, voter)
Julia Hansen (Donor, voter)
Micaela Brody (Donor, voter)
Miranda Crawley (Donor, Supporter)
Clare Prowse (Donor, Supporter)
Luke Albert (Donor, Supporter)
Jason Dietz (Donor, Supporter)
Emily Thompson (Donor, Volunteer)
Michael Allen (Donor, Volunteer)
Riya Kataria (Donor, Volunteer)
Miguel Nieves (Donor, Supporter)
Zivah Solomon (Donor)
Marilyn Willmoth (Donor)
Muhammad Eltahir (Donor)
Robin Elizabeth Jacks (Donor)
Cassandra de Alba (Donor)
G.M Goldleaf (Donor)
Barbara Louis (Donor)
Mike Sarzo (Donor)
Emma Saltzberg (Donor)
Nathanael Clauser (Volunteer, Our Revolution Somerville steering committee)
Renee Korgood (Waltham Volunteer Lead)
Shanaya Premjee (Volunteer)
Brenna Ransden (Volunteer)
Isabelle Bitman (Volunteer)
Eric Schulz (Volunteer Video Editor)
Zoe Vittori-Koch (Volunteer)
Kolya Shields (Volunteer)
Molly Flood (Volunteer)
Elliot Richardson (Volunteer)
Travis Ray (Volunteer)
Olivia Kormos (Volunteer)
Katie Orenstein (Volunteer)
Ethan Manelin (Volunteer)
Alexis Hansen (Volunteer)
Donald M. Cronin (Volunteer)
Seth Gordon (Volunteer)
Amelia L Peloquin (Volunteer)
Anosha Siripala (Volunteer)
Kerry Judge (Volunteer)
Marie-Elle Merchant (Volunteer)
Dan Totten (Volunteer)
Kate Royce (Volunteer)
Tadea Martin-Gonzalez (Volunteer)
Zohaib Qadri (Volunteer)
Daniel Green (Volunteer)
Christina Menke (Volunteer)
Christine Varriale (Volunteer)
Margaret Allen (Volunteer)
Tisya Mavuram (Volunteer)
Douglas Hopping (Volunteer)
Daniel Fischer (Volunteer)
Isaac Green (Volunteer)
Meghan Murphy (Volunteer)
Kevin Wentworth (Volunteer)
Brian Bjoern (Volunteer)
Scotia Hille (Volunteer)
Emmanuel Akingbemi (Volunteer)
Lyba Khan (Volunteer)
Liza Behrendt (Volunteer)
Selim Karahan (Volunteer)
Katherine Herlihy (Volunteer)
Francisco Proskauer (Volunteer)
David Fadul (Volunteer)
Hayden Latimer-Ireland (Volunteer)
Nolan Morris (Volunteer)
Nihaarika Sharma (Volunteer)
Olivia Chatfield (Volunteer)
Lhiannon Collins (Volunteer)
Solomon Steen (Volunteer)
Tom Paugh (Volunteer)
Joshua Pirl (Volunteer)
April Glick (Volunteer)
Daniel Wilk (Volunteer)
David Franklin (Volunteer)
Gina Brown (Volunteer)
Melys Bonifacio-Jere (Volunteer)
Daniella LeBlanc (Volunteer)
Eli Gerzon (Volunteer)
Sam Alterman (Volunteer)
Evan Berry (Volunteer)
Brion Rock (Volunteer)
Michael Suchecki (Volunteer)
Lily Clurman (Volunteer)
Karl Grossman (Volunteer)
Olivia Sheehan (Volunteer)
Makayla Connor (Volunteer)
Maeve Wallace (Volunteer)
Batya Franklin (Volunteer)
Kayla Goodale (Volunteer)
Natalie Dunn (Volunteer)
Anissa Patel (Volunteer)
Margaret Geary (Volunteer)
Megan LeBlanc (Volunteer)
Jake Tibbetts (Volunteer)
Nicholas Golden (Volunteer)
Valerie Tassinari (Volunteer)
Nicholas Wilson (Volunteer)
Rosie Berman (Volunteer)
Eric Perless (Volunteer)
Isabel Roth (Volunteer)
Harry Walpert (Volunteer)
Andrew Young (Volunteer)
Yanisa Techagumthorn (Volunteer)
Madigan King (Volunteer)
Hirak Kumar Mukhopadhyay (Volunteer)
Robert Wiesenberger (Volunteer)
Max Zatlin (Volunteer)
Zoe Duni (Volunteer)
Thomas Hendrickson (Volunteer)
Max Beckerman (Volunteer)
Taylor Larick (Volunteer)
Kevin Coyne (Volunteer, voter)
Graciela Berman Reinhardt (Volunteer, voter)
Grace Yang (Volunteer, constituent)
Kaitlyn Solares (Volunteer, constituent)
Emma Ryan (Volunteer, constituent)
Mathew Myslinski (Volunteer, constituent)
Ace Young (Volunteer, constituent)
Ella White (Volunteer, constituent)
Kathryn Dretler (Volunteer, constituent)
Sagie Tvizer (Markey delegate to the Democratic State Convention)
Shane Woolley (Volunteer, Aide to Cambridge City Councillor Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler)
Andrew Ahern (Sunrise Worcester Hub Coordinator)
Jonah Gottlieb (Policy Director, New Party Coalition)
Benjamin S Cohen (Act On Mass Regional Organizer)
Clement Favaron (Founder of The Progressive Guide, cofounder of Progressive Unity)
Jill Charney (Member of Chapter Organizing Team for Jewish Voice for Peace Boston)
Julie Allen (Local educator and union activist)
Erin Leahy (Organizing Director, Act On Mass)
Anthony Davis-Pait (Member of Tufts Students for Justice in Palestine)
Jared Hicks (MAPA Board Member)
Griffin Clark (Teacher)
Raed K. Kaldi (Adjunct Lecturer)
Savannah Baugh (Organizer)
Nolan Anderson (DSA activist)
Christine Fort (Somerville Community Co-captain)
Matthew Cubetus (Former Chair, Sandwich DTC)
Zelda MacGregor (DSC Member)
Marlene Silva (DSC Member)
Zachary Edward Hollopeter (DSC Member)
Alex Plowden (Voter, supporter)
Mary K Waugaman (Voter)
Timmy Sullivan (Voter)
Matthew Terrill (Voter)
Renee D Jean (Voter)
Johnny Robinson (Voter)
Ebyan Abshir (Voter)
Edward Silva (Voter)
Halla Wand-Mansfield (Voter)
Jillian Nichols (Voter)
Samantha Weiner (Voter)
Emily Rae Kissinger (Voter)
John Burke (Voter)
Rua McCabe (Voter)
Colby Lam (Supporter)
Aniran Chandravongsri (Voter)
Charlie Kellogg (Voter)
Elizabeth Kazmer (Voter)
Vanessa Banti (Voter)
Nora Faulkner (Voter)
Suzy Black (Voter)
Perry Grossman (Voter)
Muna Kaldawi (Voter)
Matt Witkowsky (Voter)
Maryclare Flores (Voter, Teacher)
Jordan Patterson (Voter, constituent)
Michael Reinhardt (Voter, constituent)
Virginia Berman (Voter, constituent)
Andrea E Honore (Voter, constituent)
Charlie Scanlan (Voter, constituent)
Brendan Gibson (Constituent)
Jay Wolfe (Constituent)
James Balmer (Constituent)
Lindsey Decker (Constituent)
Rye Buckley (Constituent)
Allison Halat (Constituent)
Laura Mandelberg (Constituent)
Yousuf Rehman (Constituent)
Rani Schloss (Constituent)
Liam Fratturo (Constituent)
Liam Sullivan (Constituent)
Lawrence Rose (Constituent)
Jacob deBlecourt (Constituent)
Katherine Isham (Constituent, supporter)
Anya Miller (Supporter)
Nina Lamarre (Supporter)
Alex Mitchell (Supporter)
Samantha Caveny (Supporter)
Laura Eastaugh (Supporter)
Kevin Lee (Supporter)
Caitlin Ackerman (Supporter)
Kayla Lawlor (Supporter)
Max McDonough (Supporter)
Tasneem Kelly (Supporter)
Jonah Zukosky (Supporter)
Noah Greenfield (Supporter)
Marina Sullivan (Supporter)
Chloe Moore (Supporter)
Sarah Murphy (@LesbiansForMarkey)
Grace Pezzella (Law Clerk)
Ryan Kaldi
Sarah Murphy
Michael Bakshi
Sarah Melton
Patrick Balogh
J Paula Roderick
Guillaume Magalhães
Sara Zielinski
Nick James
Kate Brown
Mojgan S. Haji
Rachel Groth
Sam Gordon
Caroline Wolfe
Emma Khodaverdian
Alexa Spiegel
Jenny Cao
Anne Schwartz
Serena Field
Rachel Groth
Mairin McNerney
Elias Elmziat
Sophia Xia
Kenneth Long
Jennifer Debin
Karry Muzzey
Nithya Badrinath
Andrew Hampton
Sheer Ganor
Justin Jones
Mitch Gayns
Andy Feldman
Emily Donelan
Mina Kaldi
Jacob Sundstrom
Sarah Druhan
Maura McCormack
Mason Haggerty
Alida Austin
Vivian Danahy
Keira Mitchell
Annabeth Kelly
Anish Mohanty
Nicholas Drabant
Jeremy Nielsen
Paloma Lozano
Chris Proyect
Liana Khammash
Oscar Saleta
Bassam Bamieh
Claire Dolan
Dania Hindi
Sheila Heady
Miriam Siegel
Khalid Kaldi
Atreyi Basu
Ben Anderson
Penelope Amelia Taylor
Michael James Roberson
Eric Cochrane
Robert Culp
Shannon Flynn
Ya-Ping Douglass
Nuha Benali
Georgianna Brown
Inola Howe
Anastasia Aizman
Maureen Haswell
Darren Hobart Campbell
Malcolm Brown
Indira Rao
Erin Casey
Saagar Chandiramani
Brian Kramer
Nilesh Kumaraswamy
Julia Cooper
Jaiden van Bork
Joel DeMelo
Sandra Barrett
Lana Ramadan
Alex Newton Klein
Elizabeth Fulham
Jessica Savio
Roselind Ray-Chi Zeng
Barkha Bhandari
Solomon Bennett
Lily Talerman
Grace Yanucci
Sophia Lubin
Katha Seidman
Grace Riordan
Alex Jarecki
Maria Camila Acosta
Steve Stoehr
Caitlin Britt
Ella McDonald
Kawain Lo
Rwick Sarkar
Kieran Adams
Benjamin Brown
J. Claudine Quiba
Gus Tringale
Graham Steele
Gerald Dudley
Emma Illidge
Catherine Leech
Arielle Agee
Benjamin Owens
Rachel Andelman
Manusha Jayasinghe
Henry Nguyen
Lucas Fersan
Rebecca Stark
Kelley Huber
Casey Dean
Rachel Gordon
Benjamin Murray
Skip Schiel
Olivia Mignosa
Seth Signa
Erick Alexander Zepeda
Spencer Kruse-Melfi
Current sign count: 459