8:00am Urgent Treatment: Mass. Health Care After Steward hosted by State House News Services, MCLE, 10 Winter Place, Boston
9:30am Citizens' Legislative Seminar, Gardner Auditorium, State House, Boston
10:00am Mass. Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Advocacy Day, Great Hall, State House, Boston
10:00am Status of Latinos and Latinas, Virtual Hearing
10:30am Governor's Council Assembly, Governor's Council Chamber, Room 360, State House
11:00am Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy, Informational Hearing
11:00am House Session, Informal Session
2:30pm Transportation First: The State of Regional Transit hosted by the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, 265 Franklin Street, Boston and via Zoom
Birthdays: Rep. Ruth Balser, Rep. Jessica Giannino, Rep. Ryan Hamilton